45th Parallel Painters: Seasonal Favourites

Muskoka Place Gallery 1182 Foreman Rd. Port Carling, Ontario, Port Carling, ON, Canada

The 45th Parallel Painters showcase work inspired by Winter in Muskoka.

45th Parallel Painters: Seasonal Favourites

Muskoka Place Gallery 1182 Foreman Rd. Port Carling, Ontario, Port Carling, ON, Canada

The 45th Parallel Painters showcase work inspired by Winter in Muskoka.

45th Parallel Painters: Seasonal Favourites

Muskoka Place Gallery 1182 Foreman Rd. Port Carling, Ontario, Port Carling, ON, Canada

The 45th Parallel Painters showcase work inspired by Winter in Muskoka.

Coffee House featuring Sue and Dwight

Muskoka Place Gallery 1182 Foreman Rd. Port Carling, Ontario, Port Carling, ON, Canada

Sue and Dwight live at the Muskoka Place Gallery in Port Carling! An intimate evening of music. Cost is $10 at the door.

Coffee House featuring Julian Fauth & Ken Yoshioka

Muskoka Place Gallery 1182 Foreman Rd. Port Carling, Ontario, Port Carling, ON, Canada

A evening of real blues at the Muskoka Place Gallery in Port Carling featuring Ken Yoshioka Musician and Julian Fauth Musician! Cost is $10 at the door.

Metropolitan Opera Encore Season

Rene M Caisse Theatre 100 Clearbrook Trail, Bracebridge, ON, Canada

Celebrate Opera with the 2017/2018 NY Metropolitan Opera Encore Season at the Rene M Caisse Theatre. 705-645-8400 December 3/17: Mozart, Die Zauberfiote January 14/18: Ades, The Exterminating Angel March 11/18: […]

Seasonal Favorites Art Gallery

Come into Muskoka Place Gallery to experience the incredible artwork being showcased. Images that run with the seasons and will spark memories, curiosity, and intrigue about what landscaped Muskoka has […]

Metropolitan Opera Encore Season

Rene M Caisse Theatre 100 Clearbrook Trail, Bracebridge, ON, Canada

Celebrate Opera with the 2017/2018 NY Metropolitan Opera Encore Season at the Rene M Caisse Theatre. 705-645-8400 December 3/17: Mozart, Die Zauberfiote January 14/18: Ades, The Exterminating Angel March 11/18: […]

Coffee House featuring Zachary Lucky

Muskoka Place Gallery 1182 Foreman Rd. Port Carling, Ontario, Port Carling, ON, Canada

An intimate evening of music at the Muskoka Place Gallery featuring Zachary Lucky! Cost is $10 at the door.

Metropolitan Silver Band

Gravenhurst Opera House 295 Muskoka Road South, Gravenhurst, ON, Canada

Founded in 1931, this lively band plays only brass and percussion instruments. Their repertoire includes classics, marches, selections from the great musicals, religious works, pop, and contemporary pieces. Muskoka Concert […]